Professional Feng Shui Services for Home and Business
OpenMediaVaultWill LeStrange
Feng Shui Services is a professional Feng Shui consulting and training business.
We offer a range of Feng Shui and Holistic Environmental Design services.
We serve clients throughout the USA, Britain, and Europe.
Top companies around the world are using Feng Shui with great success.
When correctly applied, Feng Shui can have a transformative effect on productivity, morale, and profit.
The bottom line is... it will help give your business the edge!
Feng Shui is especially helpful in the process of buying or selling property.
Do you have an uncertain feeling about a pending real estate transaction?
Are you stuck with a property that will not sell?
To Find Out More... Call: 866-588-3389
Will LeStrange discovered the power of Feng Shui, when, as a teenager, he was seriously injured in a near-fatal accident on his family's farm. The near-death experience led him on a 10-year journey of healing, recovery, and spiritual breakthrough.
As a young man, he traveled the world studying indigenous building traditions, working at numerous community development projects, spiritual centers, and Eco-build projects.
He is the creator of the Getting started with openmediavault: A home NAS …:2 天前 · But openmediavault is no slouch. It's actually based on an earlier version of FreeNAS, and while its numbers are lower in terms of downloads and features, they're more than adequate for my needs. Another factor was a simple matter of comfort. Openmediavault's underlying operating system is Debian, whereas FreeNAS sits atop FreeBSD. I'm ... and The Seven Stages of Holistic Alignment, innovative systems which integrate environmental psychology, Integrative healthcare, kinesiology, eco-build, personal development, with interior design and traditional Feng Shui.
Will helps clients all around the world and has had the honor of providing his services for The Dalai Lama.
Modern Life requires something more than traditional Feng Shui,
It requires a system of Holistic Environmental Design...
There are many different approaches to the practice and application of Feng Shui. Some are very scientific, some are spiritual, some superstitious and some rooted in good old common sense.
Over the last twenty years, we have tried and tested many different Feng Shui techniques and processes. We feel that we have a pretty deep understanding of what works and what doesn't.
Will has developed an innovative, approach that draws from the most relevant aspects of traditional Feng Shui, coupled with useful techniques from Modern Environmental Psychology, Color Therapy, Holistic Healthcare, and Sustainable "Eco-build" practices.
This is an integrative and Holistic approach and one he calls The Modern Feng Shui Method and it offers a powerful framework for lasting positive change.
Please Feel Free To Call For a FREE 15 - Minute Consultation
I'm Here To Answer All Your Questions OpenMediaVault
And How it Can Help You in Your Unique Situation!
We genuinely love to help people and promise this will not be some unpleasant sales pitch! During the call, Will LeStrange will share some immediately actionable tips to get you started, plus you will get a clear feeling if he is the right person to further help with your project.
Email or call: 866-588-3389
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